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SEM Sample Preparation Steps (How to do it)

Tingting Zhao

Feb 24, 2023

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a powerful analytical technique that allows imaging of a wide range of materials at high resolution.

SEM Sample Preparation Steps (How to do it)

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a powerful analytical technique that allows imaging of a wide range of materials at high resolution. In order to obtain high-quality SEM images, the samples need to be properly prepared. The preparation process involves several steps, including sample collection, fixation, dehydration, critical point drying, and coating with a conductive material. In this article, we will discuss each of these steps in detail and provide step-by-step instructions for preparing samples for SEM analysis.


Sample Collection

The first step in SEM sample preparation is collecting the sample. The sample can be any material of interest, such as a biological tissue, metal, polymer, or mineral. It is important to handle the sample carefully during collection to avoid damage or contamination. For example, biological tissues should be collected using sterile techniques to prevent contamination by bacteria or fungi. Metals and other hard materials should be cut using a diamond saw or other appropriate cutting tools to obtain a flat surface that can be mounted for SEM analysis.



Once the sample has been collected, it needs to be fixed to preserve its structure and prevent any changes that might occur during subsequent processing steps. Fixation can be accomplished using a variety of chemical agents, including formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, or paraformaldehyde. The choice of fixative depends on the type of sample being analyzed and the downstream applications. For example, glutaraldehyde is commonly used for preserving biological tissues, while paraformaldehyde is more suitable for preserving plant tissues.



The next step in SEM sample preparation is dehydration. This step removes all water from the sample, which is necessary to prevent any artifacts that may be introduced during imaging. Dehydration is typically achieved by placing the sample in a series of graded ethanol solutions, starting with a low concentration (e.g., 30%) and gradually increasing to 100%. The sample is typically left in each solution for several minutes to several hours, depending on the size and type of the sample.


Critical Point Drying

After dehydration, the sample needs to be dried to prevent any water vapor from condensing on the sample during SEM analysis. Critical point drying (CPD) is a commonly used technique for drying samples. This technique involves placing the sample in a chamber with a supercritical fluid, such as CO2, which is used to remove the remaining water from the sample. The sample is then slowly brought to the critical point of the fluid, where the fluid becomes a gas and the sample is dried. CPD is a gentle drying technique that preserves the structure of the sample and is suitable for a wide range of materials.



The final step in SEM sample preparation is coating the sample with a conductive material. This step is necessary to prevent charging of the sample during SEM imaging, which can result in poor image quality. There are several types of coatings that can be used, including gold, platinum, palladium, or carbon. Gold and platinum coatings are typically used for high-resolution imaging of biological samples, while carbon coatings are more suitable for imaging of hard materials such as metals or minerals. The coating can be applied using a sputtering or evaporation technique, which deposits a thin layer of the conductive material onto the surface of the sample.


Step-by-Step Instructions for SEM Sample Preparation

  1. Collect the sample using appropriate techniques and tools.

  2. Fix the sample using an appropriate fixative for the type of sample being analyzed.

  3. Dehydrate the sample by placing it in a series of graded ethanol solutions, starting with a low concentration and gradually increasing to 100%.

  4. Perform critical point drying to remove all remaining water from the sample.

  5. Coat the sample with a conductive material using an appropriate coating technique.

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